Using open data

A quick demonstration of using open data to populate a simple map. This uses several open resources:

If you want to give this a try yourself, you can get the code from this CodePen.
You can also look at this quick beginner's tutorial on how to use an API.

The API call to fetch this data is

This collects the latest measurements of PM2.5 - particles so small they're invisible to the naked eye - which can be very harmful to human health. They're generated by fossil fuel combustion, amongst other things, and if you look at major cities during rush hour then you'll see the larger marker indicating higher levels of particles.

About the author

Lucy works in education, open data and civic tech in the South West of England (and anywhere else she's needed).

Currently available for project work.

"People don't want data; they want answers."

(c) Jargonautical Ltd 2020. Branding and logo design by Shufflewing